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What is Property Maintenance and Why Should It Matter to You

What is Property Maintenance and Why Should It Matter to You

Property management is commonly confused with property maintenance. Property maintenance is distinctly different and should not be confused with property management. It does not matter if your property is private or commercial; maintenance is still required.

It is common knowledge that we need to take care of our bodies. We also take care of treasured possessions like our vehicles. Likewise, we also need to take care of our properties, and the easiest way to maintain your property is to hire the services of a property maintenance company.

When it comes to carrying out activities on your property like plumbing and electrical wiring, hiring a property maintenance company can free you from the burden and cost of maintaining your property. This article discusses property maintenance, its advantages, and why it should matter to you.

What is Property Maintenance

As you might have deduced from the name, you hire a property maintenance company when you don’t have time to maintain the state of your property correctly. Property maintenance encompasses building maintenance services and professional cleaning services

Whether you’re a landlord of a small property or a busy commercial property, property maintenance gives you an option that helps maintain and preserve your real estate asset. When it comes to protecting your property in your absence, property maintenance plays a crucial role.

Property maintenance operates through property maintenance service providers. Property maintenance service providers act as caretakers of your assets. They help maintain the steady operation of your property by replenishing supplies required by your property. Property maintenance service providers are also responsible for repairing and replacing damaged equipment.

Common Services Offered By Property Maintenance Companies

Some of the services offered by property maintenance companies include:

  • Professional cleaning services
  • Lawn maintenance
  • Carpentry
  • Installation of signs
  • Painting
  • Snow removal
  • Removal/abatement of graffiti
  • Power washing
  • Repairs
  • Replacement of equipment
  • Electrical work
  • Plumbing work
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)

Advantages of Property Maintenance

  • One of the significant benefits of property maintenance is that it helps you save the time and energy required to maintain your property. Properties with a property maintenance crew are more advantageous to prospective tenants. In the long run, allowing your property to be maintained by a property maintenance company proves cost-effective. This is because maintaining a property on your own would involve you hiring a cleaning crew and investing in the cost of cleaning equipment.

By using a property maintenance company, all you must pay will be a fixed fee previously agreed by you and the property maintenance company. This lets you entrust your property to professionals with the latest tools, equipment, and expertise at an affordable price.

  • A property maintenance company releases you from the burden of dealing with labour-related issues that may arise from an in-house cleaning crew. Hiring professionals for property management will result in greater efficiency, cost savings, and better working time in maintaining your property.
  • Regular property maintenance reduces the chance of sudden damage due to lack of maintenance. It also gives you and prospective tenants a sense of security as they know that your property is well maintained. This sense of security may also turn out to be profitable for you.

However, you should note that before you can enjoy all of the benefits of hiring a property management company, it is important to choose a well-trusted and reliable property maintenance company. Any company you consider must be able to deliver on their promises and should have a workable plan showing how they aim to achieve set objectives.

Choosing the right property maintenance company can go a long way in determining if your property remains well managed. Before selecting a property maintenance company, carefully review prospective companies and note the features. We advise that you treat this process very much like a job interview.


As a property owner, you should not procrastinate on maintenance or repairs of your property. Making use of the services offered by a property maintenance company is the way to go. It is an investment that saves you money in the long run, and it also helps maintain and add value to your assets. Seeing as prevention is better than cure, it is better to regularly prevent damages by maintaining your property. J&S Building Maintenance Inc. provides post construction cleanup to large developers as well as to individual locations. Schedule an appointment or call us at 833-463-0227, we are able to provide the highest quality services at very competitive pricing.